Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

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ANSYSEM_ROOT242 in wrong AnsysEM directory

    • youssefabdelhalim2025

      I am working on the CoilAndCore tutorial ( I was able to do the Ansys Maxwell part just fine and I was able to do the Ansys Mechanical just fine. I then got to the Ansys System Coupling section, which seemed fine until I got to the solve part. When I hit solve, I get the following error message:

      "Cannot find the Ansys Electronics Desktop installation. Ensure that the ANSYSEM_ROOT242 environment variable is set to the correct AnsysEM install directory. For more information, see the System Coupling documentation."

      I am not sure  why I am getting this error and I am not even sure why the ANSYSEM_ROOT242 would be in the wrong directory in the first place. If someone is able to assist me with this, I would appreciate it!

    • MangeshANSYS
      Ansys Employee

      Please make sure that the same version is installed for both the products in question


      • youssefabdelhalim2025

        @MangeshANSYS, Thank you for your swift response. I do indeed have both of them in 2024. What else might it be?

        One thing I will note that Mechanical was downloaded as a part of the full ansys package. I had to download Ansys Electronics desktop independently since it was not a part of the original package download. Maybe that is the problem?

    • MangeshANSYS
      Ansys Employee

      yes, both of them should be same version i.e.
      both (Ansys Mechanical and Ansys EDT) 2024 R2
      or both (Ansys Mechanical and Ansys EDT)2024 R1
      or both (Ansys Mechanical and Ansys EDT)2023 R2

      if you have say Mechanical 2023 R2 and Ansys EDT 2024 R1, then system coupling will not work

      • youssefabdelhalim2025

        @MangeshANSYS, Sorry if I was not clear in my previous message. But I checked both editions and they're both 2024 R2. So what is the problem?

    • MangeshANSYS
      Ansys Employee

      Please check "environment Variables" on your computer to see if ANSYSEM_ROOT242 is set 

      here is an exmaple showing ANSYSEM_ROOT232 & ANSYSEM_ROOT241 are set

    • youssefabdelhalim2025


      Here is what I see

    • youssefabdelhalim2025

      What else could be causing this? It is certainly not that they are in different versions because I verified that they are both the same versions.

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