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Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

Topics cover installation and configuration of our free student products.

Ansys WorkBench Unexpected Error


    • elad123


      I installed ANSYS student and when I try to open Ansys Workbench I get the following error massage:

      An unexpected error has occurred: The following required addins could not be loaded: Ans.SceneGraphChart.SceneGraphAddin. The software will exit.

      --- System.AggregateException: The following required addins could not be loaded: Ans.SceneGraphChart.SceneGraphAddin. The software will exit.

      --- System.Exception: SceneGraph.Engine - failed to boot up.

        at Ans.SceneGraphChart.Engine..ctor(IConfiguration p_config, IErrorHandler p_errorHandler)

        at Ans.SceneGraphChart.SceneGraphAddin.Load(AddinLoadContext context)

        at Ansys.Core.Addins.AddinManager.setupAddin(String path, String name, AddinBase addin)

        at Ansys.Core.Addins.AddinManager.LoadAddin(String name, String path)

      From reading old posts in this forum I understand that creating a new local account (with username in English) on my computer may solve the problem. Is there any other solution?



    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee
    • Dohyun Kim

      I met this error changing my windows utf-8 preferences, so you may try:

      1. Open the Windows Control Panel
      2. Select [Clock and Region]-[Region]
      3. Open the [Administration] Tab
      4. """UnCheck""" "Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 in worldwide languages" from "Change system locale".
      5. Restart Windows.

    • ls ls

      Dohyun Kim Subscriber,thank you very much,your method is useful

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