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Ansys student software installation issue

    • emmanuele.saladino93


      I have downloaded Ansys student release 24 R2 on my PC. I don't have any problems during the install process.

      I would like to use Ansys Workbench and Mechanical. Into workbench I don't have any problems, I can import a specific geometry and I can select the correct material. I have problems with mechanical application when I try to define a mesh. I try this steps on different geometry, 2D or 3D.

      This message of "general error" appears when I try to define a mesh

      I try to unistall the software and reinstall the same without any antivirus interference. I deleted all previous folder and when I ran setup.exe, I right-click on it and choose "run as administrator".

      Is there anything else that I can do to solve this problem?

    • Deepak
      Ansys Employee


      Please verify that there are no errors present in your geometry.

      Do you find the same issue if you try to create a new model (Simple cube) from scratch?

      Can you try the following suggestions made in this forum discussion:

      An error occurred inside the SOLVER module: general error (Reccurent problem)

      “An error occurred inside the SOLVER module: general error” when resolving model

      ERROR: A general failure occurred during the solution process.



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