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Ansys mechanical slow on startup

    • flavio.brighenti

      Hi all,
      I've been running the same model with small variation in terms of mesh, but never had issues solving it. My problem rises when I create linearized stress solutions (no more than 5 or 6 in various points of the structure). I've noticed that the RAM-usage increases drammatically (up to 100%) to a point where if I close mechanical and then restart it it will take ages to reopen (if it reopens - sometimes it crashes).
      I cannot find a solution to this, I've just found out what is causing it thanks to this post although not exactly the same reason.
      Anyone has a solution?

    • Gary_S
      Ansys Employee

      This seems similar to a known bug in 2024R1. 
      There is a Service Pack for 2024R1 (SP3) that may help, although I would use 2024R2. 
      Note: Even with the 2024R1 (SP3) / 2024R2, it will take time to open the Mechancial the first time. 
      Allow Mechanical to open the analysis, then make a small change (rename a branch, add a coordinate system etc) then Save, Close and reopen.
      Resuming thereafter should then be normal. 

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