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ANSYS Maxwell solver simulation progress

    • kjh0703


      I'm trying to get precise data from magnetostatic simulation.

      I set optimetrics for displacement of rotor along x-axis.

      After running simulation, there are two procedures showing up on progress tab (Please see the pictures below). I get the second sequence is for making mesh for optimetrics, but I can't get any idea of the first sequence (making initial mesh).

      What does the first sequence do for the simulation?

      I guess the second sequence is making new mesh for the entire model as the rotor moves along x-axis.

      And when I set the solver convergence, will it be applied to the first sequence? (I checked solver convergence for optimetrics (the second sequence), but I cannot find any information of the first sequence)

      The picture below is my modeling, progress for first sequence (initial mesh), second mesh (optimetrics), and solver setup.

    • GLUO
      Ansys Employee


      Magnetostatic uses adaptive solver. Maxwell creat an initial mesh first, then add nodes and mesh to the initial mesh at each pass according to convergence condition. In your parametric, it ask you which analysis setup is used for parametric. The convergence criteria used in this setup is applied to the parametric. In your solution data - convergence tab, you can choose design variations to view convergence report for different variations.


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