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Ansys Granta Selector license problem

    • Muyideen Adegbite

      Hi all,


      I have had granta selector installed for a while now, but in the past 24 hours, I have been unable to access it. Kindly find attached the response each time I launch the software. 


    • Gary_S
      Ansys Employee

      See if any other Ansys products are able to run. 

      It appears the license server is down. There is nothing the end user can do.
      Can you reach out to your Ansyus license adminstrator at your company for assistance. 

    • mrife
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Muyideen Adegbite

      From the error message it would seem that the first step would be for you to reach out to the licensing admin to find out if the license server is up and running or not.  Mike

    • Muyideen Adegbite

      Thank you very much for your responses, I will do that.

    • Muyideen Adegbite

      Hi @Mike and @Gary, I checked the licensing portal and realised Ansys Granta Selector is not among the active licenses, could that be the problem?


    • mrife
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Muyideen Yes - not having a license would be a issue.  MIke

    • Muyideen Adegbite

      Who could have taken away the license? I had the license before, as I said I have been using the software all along

    • mrife
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Muyideen

      Please ask the licensing admin at your location - there are quite a few reasons why a license would 'suddenly' not be available.  Asking the admin for a status would be far better than a guess from this forum.  Now, if the admin can't figure out the problem, then there is a standard troubleshooting path to follow for licensing issues (i.e. step 1 gather and review the licensing logs).


    • Muyideen Adegbite

      Thank you very much for your help, I have reached out to my school's IT, hoping to hear from them by next week. 

    • Muyideen Adegbite



    • Muyideen Adegbite

      Hi All,


      I am still facing this problem with Granta selector. I reached out to my school IT department and they told me the license is running on their end. I was advised to download the Ansys License Manager and see if it runs after adding the license file we got when the software was licensed to us. I did that and it did not work out well, it failed to run the license, please attached image above, kindly help me out with a resolution on this. I am in dire need of this software to complete a research paper.

    • mrife
      Ansys Employee

      Muyideen Adegbite

      Please reach out to the account manager whom you purchased the Granta license from.  License files are specific to license servers so most likely issue is that it was either created for the wrong computer.  Or there is/was a simple mistake (like a typo) and the wrong host name and/or mac address was given/used to create the license file. 

      Open the license file you were sent; after the word SERVER the hostname then the main network card mac address is given (or main drive VOL ID).  See if those do not match your system.


    • Muyideen Adegbite

      Hi Mike

      In my school, the I.T department handles setting up a license server for software. All that was given to me during the installation of the Granta software was the server ID which I simply copied and pasted into the provided field during installation. The server ID I used then  matches that in the original license file sent to us by Ansys. As I said in the beginning, the software was working fine until about a month after installation.


    • Muyideen Adegbite

      Hi All,

      As per the issue on Granta selector i have been trying to solved for almost two months now: The license server is up and running based on information provided by the administrator (my school's IT department). The problem is the software was running fine on my personal computer for over a month after purchase and installing with the server IP address given to me by the admin in Janaury and suddenly it stopped working in February up until this moment. If the license server is installed and running on the admin side (they confirmed this by running the license manager), why then am I getting this error? Your contribution will be helpful.   

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