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Ansys fluent in HPC Error at host:

    • S.Shrestha-4

      Hi! I am new to HPC, and I am trying to run a multiphase simulation in ansys fluent 2021 r2. I get the following error: 

      Error at host: Unable to open C:/Users/Desktop/HPC_Sim/fluent-1.cas.h5 for writing.

      ===============Message from the Cortex Process================================

      Compute processes interrupted. Processing can be resumed.


      Error: Unable to open C:/Users/Desktop/HPC_Sim/fluent-1.cas.h5 for writing.
      Error Object: #f

      Warning: An error or interrupt occurred while reading the journal file.
      Some commands may not have been completed.

      Halting due to end of file on input.

      Here is the script and slurm file I used. Can someone help me figure out the error?

    • S.Shrestha-4

      #!/bin/bash -l

      # use bash as shell

      # the -l option is necessary to make the local enviroment equal to the login environment

      # slurm commands start with #SBATCH

      # all other stuff behind a # on the same line is comment 


      #SBATCH -D ./                      # directory where the mpiexec command is ran

      #SBATCH -J HPC_Sim_01                  # name of the job (can be changed to whichever name you like)

      #SBATCH --get-user-env             # to set environment variables

      #SBATCH -o output.log              # output file

      #SBATCH -e output.log              # error file

      #SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=2GB                  # memory per node in megabytes

      #SBATCH --time=0-20:00:00          # simulation time in d-hh:mm:ss

      #SBATCH --nodes=1                       # number of nodes

      #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=32             # number of MPI processes on the node (^= cores to be used)

      #SBATCH --account=--    # replace with your education/research/project account if applicable


      # get the jobid for later reference


      echo "myjobid = " $myjobid


      # load modules

      module load ansys/2021R2


      if [ "$SLURM_PROCID" == "0" ]; then

      # set up  hostfile containing the list of nodes/cores used

              scontrol show hostname $SLURM_JOB_NODELIST >  hostfile.txt

              fluent   2ddp -t$SLURM_NTASKS -rsh  -g  -i microchannel.script -cnf=hostfile.txt -pib.ofed


      exit 0

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