3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Ansys Fluent discovery fluidodynamic analysis


    • Nicolino Ruotolo

      Dear Team,

      I'm an italian student. I'm currently using the student version 2023 R2 of Ansys Fluent. The aim of my thesis is to perform a fluidodinamic analysis of an air intake of a piston engined aircraft. The design of the intake has been done with CATIA. I imported the structure in space claim and refined to then open it using discovery and perform the analysis. Despite all my efforts, I'm not able to get the structure working as I get the following message when I import the refined model from space claim in discovery: (Imported) fabric: Poisson's ratio must be greater than or equal to 0.01 and less than 0.5 (1 body). 

      Infact, 1 body of the intake is highlighted in red. 

      If needed, I could share images to support my case.

      Thank you,



    • Devendra Badgujar
      Forum Moderator

      Hello Nicolino, 

      The error message indicates that the Poisson's ratio for one of the bodies in your air intake model does not fall within the acceptable range required by Discovery. To resolve this issue, you should check the material properties assigned to the body highlighted in red and ensure that the Poisson's ratio is set to a value between 0.01 and 0.5. 

      Can you please check if the materials defined to that body is within this limit? If not, please update and see if that helps. 

      You can also refer Structural Simulation Using Ansys Discovery | Ansys Courses & Fluid Flow Simulation Using Ansys Discovery | Ansys Courses for more information on setup and siulation using Ansys Discovery. 



      • Nicolino Ruotolo


        Dear Devendra,

        I modified the Poisson’s ratio of the involved body. Then, I checked (check geometry) the whole body, no geometry problem found. Then, I extracted the control volume selecting the inlet and the outlet of the flow and first path of the flow (in blue). Then, I chose boundary condition (i.e. temperature and mass flow) and fluid (gas) and tried to launch the solve to get a fluid simulation. Unfortunately, following several minutes of running, the result is a message labeled in red: “A meshing error has occurred. Use check geometry to identify common problems such as a small faces, overlaps, etc. Increase the solution fidelity or add local fidelity controls to capture small features if required”.

        Then, in yellow: “Surface bodies will be excluded from the simulation (1 body)”, with no further explanation.

        Further, on the check geometry panel (lower right end side): PartBody/Hole.1 in yellow: (1) Geometry self-intersects

        PartBody/CloseSurface.1 in yellow: (1) Geometry self-intersects

        in blue (1)Edge is inexact and not lying on face

        Then, Volume: 

        in red: (17) Face intersects another face

        in yellow: (2) Geometry self-intersects..

        Unfortunately, and different from the Ansys Courses I watched, the Check Geometry panel had the SOLVE soft button disabled, thus I had no chances to realize which are the surfaces and volumes involved. The images I’ve taken are too large to be shared. I would really appreciate your further support as the intake is really driving me crazy (I’m still working on it since 3 months and no results)…

        I've another message, stating DVI variation (3mm). Could you explain it? 


        Thank you,



    • Nicolino Ruotolo

      Dear Devendra,

      first of all, thank you for your kind reply. I will try it and I get back to you in case of further support needed.

      Kind Regards,


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