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ansys aqwa : connector

    • nhanani4

      i want to ask.. if where can i get the stiffess connector that i used in dat file?

      picture 1. the information deck 12. did i can get the information stiffness connector at dat file..the connector picture 1 use hinged and rigid connector.

      picture 2. the information deck 12. did i can get the information stiffness connector at dat file..the connector picture 1 use ball and socket connector.

    • Mike Pettit
      Ansys Employee


      The Aqwa Reference Manual gives you information on the Aqwa input file contents. Specifically, DCON defines the position of the joint and the number of locked rotational freedoms; KCON and CCON define the joint stiffness and damping terms about the unlocked rotations; and FCON defines the joint friction coefficients.

      In Picture 1 you have two hinge joints (DCON    2) and two rigid joints (DCON    3). The hinges have zero stiffness, damping and friction defined.

      In Picture 2 you have two ball-and-socket joints (DCON    0), with zero stiffness and friction, and with damping of 4.0E+09 about the joint Z axis.

      I hope this helps!


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