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Ansys AQWA

    • Karim Hussein


      Can I find the natural modes of a moored floating structure in any output file, or is the only way to exract it from from the workbench?

      Many thanks,


    • Mike Pettit
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Karim,

      Quick answer - no, the only way is to extract from Workbench.

      More specifically, we do output the undamped natural modes of the freely-floating structure in still water, and you can find these at the bottom of the Hydrodynamic Diffraction LIS file (e.g. project_files\dp0\AQW\AQW\AQ\Analysis\ANALYSIS.LIS). These do not account for the mooring system, though.

      The Natural Modes results you find in a Hydrodynamic Diffraction or Hydrodynamic Response Stability Analysis are running their own post-processing calculations to determine the natural modes of the system. Because the added mass and radiation damping are frequency-dependent, we need to scan through a whole range of frequencies to find the natural modes - this is what the 'mode match indicator' graph is showing. This scanning capability only exists in Aqwa Workbench.

      I hope this helps!


    • Karim Hussein

      Hi Mike, 

      Many thanks for the clarification!



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