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ANSYS 23R2 Workbench does not launch mechanical

    • Giuseppe Marulo


      when selecting EDIT on the model tab,

      only a gray window opens but mechanical does not start

      Do you have any solution for this?





    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Giuseppe,

      Please try to launch standalone mehanical application and let me know if same issue appears.

    • Giuseppe Marulo



      even stand alone I get the same gray screen,

      I can open APDL trough the product launcer as well as CFX, fluent and others, only mechanical gives this issue


    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Giuseppe,

      Using 4K Displays with Workbench

      Currently, Workbench does not support 4K displays. You may see one or more of the following issues if you use Workbench on a 4K display:

      • Initially launching Workbench displays a tiny window and text is cut off.

      • Titles are cut off.

      • You must maximize the Workbench window twice before it is set to full screen.

      • Various parts of the user interface are scaled incorrectly, including tab titles, drop-down menu text, toolbars, and the ACT start page.

      To improve these issues, complete the following procedure:

      1. On the Windows toolbar, select Start > Ansys 2024 R1

      2. Right-click the Workbench 2024 R1 icon and select More > Open file location from the context menu.

      3. In the Ansys 2024 R1 folder, right-click the Workbench 2024 R1 icon and select Properties from the context menu.

      4. Switch to the Compatibility tab.

      5. Under Settings, click Change high DPI settings.

      6. Select the Override high DPI scaling behavior. Scaling performed by: check box.

      7. Select System from the drop-down menu below the check box.

      8. To save the change and close the dialog box, click OK.

      General Workbench Issues (

    • Giuseppe Marulo

      hi Rajeshwari,


      I tried the suggested procedure, but I still get the same issue


    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Giuseppe,

      Goto %appdata% and rename the v241 folder to v241.old (Ansys> v241)

      Goto installed directory,"C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v241\Framework\bin\Win64" right-click on AnsysFWW.exe> properties>compatibility>settings>change high DPI settings> check box > select system > save it.

      Relaunch the application.

    • Giuseppe Marulo

      Done, but I still get the same 

    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Please goto event viewer from start menu> Windows log> Application logs, check if there are any errors over there. If yes share the screenshot.

      Also, set this variable under system environment variable ANSYS_MECHANICAL_BROWSER=0

    • Giuseppe Marulo


      I only found one log related to ANSYS

      I do not have the rights to set the environment variable, I’ll ask the IT



    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Please check if there are any errors logs stored C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files, .err files.


    • Giuseppe Marulo


      there are no .err files

      on the ansysli_server.log I found an error,

      but I’m getting the license from a server with flexnet publisher, I do not have a local license file




    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Can you launch Ansys Licensing Settings and send screenshot of "License server"(click on Test> green checkmark should appear) and "Features in Use"

    • Giuseppe Marulo


      I get the green tick,

      The Feature in use is really long, do you want the whole text?






    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Nope, no need for whole text, try adding the environment variable with the help of your IT.

      If that doesn't resolve the issue then please contact your Ansys Account Manager and escalate this case, I can help you more over there.

    • Giuseppe Marulo

      ok thanks


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