Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

Topics cover installation and configuration of our free student products

Ansys 2024 R2.1 – Discovery not opening

    • es9327

      Dear support team,

      I' have dowloaded, and installed, ANSYS ACADEMIC STUDENT_2024R2.1_WINX64, but I cannot open Ansys Discovery.

      It displays the following message:

      Thank you for yor help

      Eddi Susin

    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee


      Hi Eddi,

      Which graphics card you have?

      Please run a compatibility check on graphics drivers, run \Ansys Inc\v242\Discovery\CudaCheck\DiscoveryLiveCompatibilityUtility.exe to check if it is supported. Do share the screenshot of the same. Here is the documented list of tested and thereby supported graphics drivers for Ansys applications: Graphics Cards Tested (


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