

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Ansys 2024 R1 Fluent CFD problems

    • david.slaven

      On behalf of one of our students, BasFluent cfd errorically after i model my design and go to the results stage , this error arises and i couldn't move forward.It happened to lot of my colleagues.  Ive asked for the file with the problems but not received it, would it help if I posted the file causing the error ?  thanks Dave

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Can you run any of the tutorials? If you're using Fluent I'd also suggest not using Workbench and CFD Post. The workflow was changed a few years back to revert to Geometry>Fluent Meshing>Fluent with no need to go near WB. 

    • david.slaven

      thanks for the update, I have advised our customer


    • david.slaven

      I have passed on the advice to our academic but they still have the error, is this ssl related ?  Please advise as this is affecting teaching. error.PNG

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Please can you repost the image? 

    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee

      As we can not open files, please post the image of the error.

      Also, under %TEMP%\ there will be directories:

      If you check the latest log file under WorkbenchLogs, does it list any errors?
      Also, if you check the Windows System Event Viewer, does that list any errors?

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