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Animate Not working in Ansys Maxwell

    • Prateekee Chatterjee


      All I am simulating is a simple bus bar carrying some high frequency sinusoid current and I want to study the field around it. Thats it. So I have a parametric setup to vary the current angle theta. Now I run the solution setup, then the parametric setup. Plot the B field. Then from the left side, find the Field overlays, go to B field, then right click and hit animate and nothing happens. It just shows me one frame, that is the starting theta angle. 
      Any ideas? 

    • Navya Chode
      Ansys Employee


      Hi Prateekee Chatterjee,

      Did you set up the save fields during the Analysis setup?







    • Prateekee Chatterjee

      I was working in the magnetostatic solution. Are you saying that having a transient solution setup is more suited to this?

      Even so, I have previously used magnetostatic to animate fields, B field by having a parametric setup to vary theta. 

    • Navya Chode
      Ansys Employee


      Magnetostatic simulation is enough for your requirements.
      Is the create animation setup window pop up when you right-click on the plot and select animate?
      On this window select the appropriate parametric variable.


    • Yusuf Tarık AKYÜZ

      Hi friends. I also have some problem. I am working on Maxwell DC Conduction and Electrostatics. When i want to make an animation in DC, I cant see any swept variable. How can i add swept variable?

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