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LS Dyna

LS Dyna

Topics related to LS-DYNA, Autodyn, Explicit STR and more.

Analyzing the relationship between strain and displacement in a beam model

    • Jannick

      Hello everyone, I need some assistance with LS-Dyna. I am currently working on a beam model and I am interested in understanding how the strain of each element relates to the overall displacement. I can already generate curves for stress over time using history - elements. I extract the displacement data through an ASCII-nodout. Normally, I would create an XY plot and cross-reference these values, but this is not possible with stress data. My goal is to create a histogram in python that shows x% of the values are within a range of x-x at a displacement of x mm. Is there perhaps a better method to achieve this? Thank you in advance for your help.

    • Ushnish Basu
      Ansys Employee

      For integrated beams, you can get axial strain at beam integration points by setting BEAMIP (*database_extent_binary) to the number of beam integration points.  Then, after running the model, read d3plot into LS-PrePost and click   History > Int.Pt. > Etype: Beams > (click on any beam element) > Axial Strain > Plot.

    • Jannick

      Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, I use Shell Elements for my simulation, so the beam Elements does not work. What I have found out. I can add a history database and save the elout. The file contains the strain in xx,yy,zz and xy,yz and zx. Can I somehow calculate plastic strain from this using a formula? Unfortunately, I have not found anything suitable.

    • Ushnish Basu
      Ansys Employee

      The plastic strain is actually a stress-related quantity (see, and is available in elout along with the stresses


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