LS Dyna

LS Dyna

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Analyzing elout for 2 solid sets in Binout

    • Grant James

      Hello all,

      I'm currently testing to figure out how I can analyze the maximum principal strain of 2 solid sets at a time using elout in the Binout option in Ls PrePost. Previously I have always analyzed 1 solid set at a time. For context, I am analyzing 2 separate chambers of the human heart in the TOYOTA THUMS model. I tried setting up a second solid set, but when I open the Binout --> elout --> strain --> solid , I don't see the solid sets separated to pick from, and I just see a big group of elements in the elout branch. Is there any way around this? What have I done wrong to not see the 2 solid sets separately? 

      Thank you in advance, Grant.


      I do not think elout would separate elements into different sets. I suggest you renumber the elements in the intended sets into different number ranges, for example elements in set A starting from 10k, and elements in set B, starting from 200k, - range depending on how many elements you have in the sets.

    • Reno Genest
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Grant,

      If you know the element IDs range for each group, you can select them using the search function (FromID:ToID). For example, to plot element IDs 1 to 20, you can search for "1:20" and then plot the maximum principal strain:


      Let me know if this helps or not.



      • Grant James

        Hello Reno,

        Thanks for this. The problem I have is that the model I'm using, the elements are not ordered in a sequential pattern. That is, they jump numbers (e.g., 1470089, 1470112, etc.). I played around quite a bit to see if I could sort this, but there are thousands (~4000) in each set. It's likely faster for me to just run 2 separate simulations with the separate sets. Unless there is something else I can do that could potentially deal with this problem.

        Thank you,


    • Reno Genest
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Grant,

      Let me check with a developer and get back to you.



      • Grant James

        Thank you Reno, I look forward to hearing back from you.

        - Grant.

    • Reno Genest
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Grant,

      This feature is not available yet, but we now have an enhancement request to implement viewing elout results for each *SET_SOLID.



    • Grant James

      Thank you Reno, will I be notified when the enhancement request has been fulfilled? Will this be in the form of an updated version of Ls-PrePost?

      Thank you,


    • Reno Genest
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Grant,

      It may take some time for this enhancement request to be implemented based on priorities. If it is implemented, it will be in the DEV version of LSPP that you can download here:

      Index (


      For now, your best option is to renumber the elements in LSPP and search FromID:ToID for elout results.



    • Reno Genest
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Grant,

      The developer implemented this feature in the latest LSPP4.12 after 5/21/2024. You will be able to download it here when available:

      It is not available yet, but it should be in a few days.




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