General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Which AM DED heat source model is used?

    • Tim Lasse Harder
      Hi everyone,
      Currently i work on a student project and i am trying a simulation with the AM Process for DED tool and am wondering which temperature source or model it is based on? i know that it is not Goldak. Does anyone know where I can find out?
      Also, is it possible to make modifications to the temperature source through parameters?
      My last idea: Does anyone have an Tutorial or help to program a goldak heat source with element birth myself?
      many thanks
    • John Doyle
      Ansys Employee

      In WB-Additive, the standard assumption during the transient thermal analysis is that the applied heat energy is uniformly shared across each cluster of elements, within the DED process.

      The Goldak heat souce simulation might be possible with some MAPDL programming, but it is not automatic.

      Please refer to the MAPDL Ansys Parametric Design Language Guide for details on how to set up and use parameters and parametrically driven functions.

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