

Topics relate to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more

Air heat insulation

    • al al



      first,  why when I reterun to a project that I bild yesterday or when I try deffine a new metiriel i alweyes get this. I take my modle from solid and when I dont change matiriel its fine


      second, I what to cheack the effect of air pocket on my thermal analys (there is no air flow, the air is static) so as I show in the next pic (I circled it in red)

       I add to my box anther layer of shell metiriel. do I need to defined that the inside of the air pocket I have a static air? or the ansys know alone that if I dont define metiriel in a empty space (not on my geometry) its air?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Which solver are you using as the graphics don't look like Fluent or CFX. 

    • al al



      Im using with stady state thermal

      I put heat flux from the wall and want to cheak the influce of the air isulation on the heat inside 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I suspect you need to use fluid elements then, but as the fluids team don't use Mechanical you may find asking in the appropriate space to be more useful. 

    • al al

      ok thanks, how would you reccomend to do it in CFD I dont realy familier with this and I would happy to learn

      and I would appriciate if you can tell me the reson of why I get this

      every time I change material or try reopen a project

    • al al

      another question 

      I need steady state

      does CFD works can supply me this?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      CFD will work in steady state, and will handle both the flow in the cavity and heat transfer in the solids. Have a look in Learning > Fluids to see what's possible. 

      I have no idea re the geometry and don't know if that's a geometry option you've picked or something in Mechanical. 

    • al al

      hope it will be nice to learn cfd 

      Thanks for helping

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If you can drive the CFD codes and understand how they work then Mechanical is relatively easy if you have any basic understanding of the theory. In CFD we need consider convection and diffusion as well as conduction (if it's hot) on a (generally) fixed mesh; Mechanical just has conduction on what might be a semi-automatically deforming mesh. 

      As a Chemical Engineer (OK, I graduated in the mid '90s) I have little to no knowledge of the bendy stuff so whilst I can switch on the Mechanical solver and make it do simple stuff I really don't know what I'm doing: my colleagues will support that! 

    • al al

      if you can give me links for courses that can help me to learn cfd I will apreciate it 

      I dont need the theoretical staff, only how to define things in the simulation (I mechanical engeeniring student)

      I just cant find stuff that help me to work with it

    • al al

      Hi anther question

      I saw that there are two options (I think) of cfd

      the first is from the workbench

      the second is ansys fluent

      each one opening to me a diffrent options

      wich one should I work with?


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