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LS Dyna

LS Dyna

Topics related to LS-DYNA, Autodyn, Explicit STR and more.

Adjusting Geometric Strain Limit in Explicit Dynamics

    • jwkang00


      I'm currently facing some difficulties in setting up the Analysis Settings for Explicit Dynamics. In particular, I'm having trouble with the Erosion Controls section, where the default value for Geometric Strain Limit is set to 1.5.

      However, while browsing through a post on the Ansys Learning Forum, I came across a suggestion stating that this value should be set as the ratio of the material's ultimate tensile strength to the Young's modulus.

      Upon trying this approach and running simulations with the adjusted value, I observed that the material seems to fail much more readily compared to my usual results.

      Could someone clarify why the recommended approach suggests using the ratio of ultimate tensile strength to Young's modulus for setting the Geometric Strain Limit value?

      Furthermore, I intend to apply this to collision analysis with a focus on the target's failure. With two materials involved, the colliding object and the target, which material's calculated Geometric Strain Limit value should be utilized?

      Thank you in advance for any insights or explanations provided.

    • Armin
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Jiwon,

      What is the material of interest in your application? To my opinion, the ratio of UTS/E might be a too conservative estimate for the onset of failure. I would suggest looking up online for published experimental data to evaluate what is a good value for your specific material.

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