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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Adding heat flux to a battery wall.

    • eng_m_m.abd89


      I have a geometry as shown in the attached screenshot; it includes two soldis (the battery and battery wall) and fluid domain surrounding them. The problem includes adding a heat flux to the side surface of the battery wall to represent a heating coil that heats the battery until thermal runaway happens. 

      I assume that the heat flux will be added as a boundary condition, but it is not clear where to add it. A screenshot of boundries is shown. Should I define the side of the battery wall as the edge and add it to it? or what?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Are you adding heat to the battery (solid) or battery case (wall)? The former is a source term, the second would be heat generation if you set the wall & wall:shadow with a thickness. 

    • eng_m_m.abd89

      The concept is to add heat flux to the wall, then it should heat up the battery also through conduction, so as I understand now, it shall be added to the wall. shadow considering adding a thickness for conduction to happen? Is my understanding correct? 

      The problem in this is that it requires heat per volume, so I have to get the area. I can calculate the area manually, but when I check the area from the surface integral panel, it shows zero value.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator


      In the wall bc panel you’ll see heat generation rate. The wall has an area, and when you assign a thickness you can calculate a volume. The integrals will return zero as the volume is virtual and doesn’t exist in the geometry. I can make the “thin” wall 1m thick in a 2mm domain if I choose to; it’s wrong but it still fits. 

      Leave the "coupled" option for wall & shadow alone. 


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