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Adding and deleting vertices in an existing polygon in HFSS 3D Layout

    • michaelpmarquez

      In HFSS 3D Layout after you draw a polygon you can double click on it and bring up its properties. In the properties dialog you can change the x and y coordinates of each of the vertices already existing. However it seems you cannot add additional vertices or delete any. Also in the right click context menu there doesn't seem to be an entry to do it. Is there a way to add and delete vertices to an existing polygon?

    • Rong Liu
      Ansys Employee

      Hi, sorry for the inconvienence but there is a way to work around it. 

      You can use Draw-->Primitive to draw an additional polygon and use Draw-->Merge Polygons (union or subtract) to add or delete vertices.


      Best regards,


      • michaelpmarquez


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