

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Adding a surface to a result

    • john.m.melnyczuk.civ

      So i am working on a few geomotry and trying to get specific data on a surface on a compleated model.  i added an outlet with the triditial 10x extrusion for the flow.  After i got good results people want to see the profile at the entrance.  if i do a plane it adds more infromation and confuses some people.  I want to avoid this and only show part of the plane on the surface. 


      IE: the inner circle vs the other.


      i need to add a names surface after the meshing and modeling.  i want to have the graph and contors added.  How can i do this?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Have a look at iso-surface of mesh (x, y or z) and select the fluid zone of interest. I suspect that's what you're after. 

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