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about the 5G Base Station Antenna?

    • srgorendain

      What do you think about the 5G Base Station Antenna
      Ansys Simulation Certification, if they teach you how to simulate and design microstrip and dipole array antennas step by step in Ansys?

      I have doubts about whether I should buy it


    • Praneeth
      Forum Moderator


      Thank you for reaching out to the Ansys learning forum and showing interest in the Electrothermal 5G Base Station Antenna certification.

      In this simulation certification, each course contains introduction, simulation steps and workshops. The workshops provide hands on to the simulation steps. Eventhough, the used examples are basic antennas, the steps and procedure remain same for complex antennas.

      You can also collect opinions from your network if you are not sure. 

      Best regards,

    • srgorendain

      Ok thanks Praneeth, so in the certification they don't use predetermined antenna examples, but they teach how to design them? I have taken many courses here and I only have these doubts,

    • Praneeth
      Forum Moderator

      The antenna elements were created using Antenna toolkit ACT wizard. But the development of array, platform analysis and electro-thermal analysis are covered in detail. Please go though this link - 5G Base Station Antenna | Ansys Innovation Space as it details all the courses and their contents.

      Best regards,

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