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A solver pivot error and warning

    • jdidd1


      I am new to the thermal-electric. I am doing a research on PCB (Thermal-electric), while doing the analysis I got the error and warnings about the solver pivot I don't know what to do. The mesh connectivity is good, But in the error its showing the node 4817 for easy reference I attached the snips. Please help me to get the result.

    • Gary Stofan
      Ansys Employee

      In the Analysis Settings in the tree, set Solver Controls > Solver Pivot Checking OFF then see if the solution runs. 

    • jdidd1

      Thank you for the reply, I turned off the solver control but still the same problem exists 

    • Gary Stofan
      Ansys Employee

      Try a simple thermal analysis. Perhaps a given Tempatrure on a face anywhere in the model, and a Convection - Stagnant Air over all. 
      See if if solves. 

    • jdidd1

      Actually, this come under joule heating. Passing certain voltage to the copper coils in the PCB and see how the temperature distribution works.


      I think the thermal analysis will not help in this case. Am I right?

    • mjmiddle
      Ansys Employee


      Gary’s suggestion to use a thermal analysis was only as a diagnostic. We do a similar thing to test rigid body motion in a static structural analysis by running a modal analysis. There are no contacts in your model. Do not rely on an image to assume mesh is connected since it often uses the same mesh size on both sides of touching bodies with default sizing and may appear as connected. You will need to connect these bodies using shared topology in SpaceClaim or DesignModeler or use contacts in Mechanical.


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