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A question about laser modulation bandwidth simulation

    • susu

      In the case of Laser modulation bandwidth simulation, are the well capture rate and well escape rate for semiconductor lasers with different material structures similar to the default values in the case? Or I have to calculate these two values separately? 

      Thank you for your help.

    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      The default value might be commonly used for a material, or it can be arbitrary.  As your previous post answered, if you know the material and doping properties you can calculate tehm. From my knowledge many of the semiconductor material properties are empirical, unlike many other physical properties that can be easily measured. Ideally you should calculate your own data if possible. You may need to consult some references for more details. The software just needs those parameters. One thing you can keep in mind: your simulation result can only be as good as your model, including the material/doping properties. They depend on your input. The software does not guarantee the correctness of the material data as it is only for your convenience. Please check and confirm if you can.


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