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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.

A general failure occurred during the solution process:

    • Ermias Tensae

      please help 'A general failure occurred during the solution process.' message pops out whenever i hit the generate mesh tab,

    • Akshay Maniyar
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Ermias,

      Can you try to reset the Ansys settings by using the following steps?

      1. Close all Workbench sessions.
      2. Type %appdata% in the search field of Windows.
      3. Open the folder named Ansys.
      4. Locate the folder corresponding to your installation, for instance, if you are having an error with R19.0 installation, then locate the folder named v190 (similarly, locate v191 for R19.1).
      5. Rename this folder as v190_old and start a new WB session. 

      This will create a fresh copy of the v190 folder (which contains WB environment files) and resolve such issues. The procedure is the same for different versions of WB so you just need to rename the appropriate folder.



      Akshay Maniyar


      • Ermias Tensae

        I renamed the folder, and started it,, but the issue is not resolved...

    • Ankush Choudhary
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Ermias,

      Are you facing this issue for this particular geometry or for all geometries?

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