Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Slanted bottom level Reply To: Slanted bottom level

Seyyed Mahmoud Mousavi

Ok, I understand. Given the wave condition propagating from the inlet boundary, H = 0.088 m and T = 1.05 s, theoretically we expect wave breaking somewhere in the flume where water depth becomes lesser than the inlet. On the other hand, in ANSYS, we can choose only airy (linear) wave theories as the open channel BC. Does that mean we cannot imply or simulate this wave condition with this conventional BC that is already available in Fluent? Because I am receiving the floating exception error, while I reduce the wave height (to avoid wave breaking), the model works. In this case, what can be the solution or alternatives to this matter where the wave most probably breaks?

I was thinking, instead of applying the open channel wave BC at the inlet, maybe I should simulate a wave generator (by moving mesh boundary) at the inlet of the domain and let the Fluent solver physically develop the propagation of the wave in our computational flume?
