Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Electronics Difficulty/Obstacle: “Parasolid entry check failed for part:” Reply To: Difficulty/Obstacle: “Parasolid entry check failed for part:”

Ansys Employee

Hello, if you encounter a "Parasolid Entity check failed for part" error in Maxwell, you can follow these steps to detect and correct errors in your model:

1. Run an object analysis (Modeler > Model Analysis > Analyze Objects) on a subset of bodies in the model to return api_check_entity() errors and non-manifold edge/vertex errors.
2. Additionally, you can adjust the model validation settings to either Basic or Warning Only if you are unable to correct the errors under the Strict setting. This is done by selecting Maxwell > Design Settings and then choosing the desired level of Model validation from the Entity Check Level dropdown box.

By following these steps, you should be able to address the "Parasolid Entity check failed for part" error and proceed with your design analysis in Maxwell.