Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation LS Dyna Part ID 1 is undefined in INITIAL_VELOCITY_GENERATION card Reply To: Part ID 1 is undefined in INITIAL_VELOCITY_GENERATION card

Alex R.
Ansys Employee

Hello Tim, 

It looks like the *INITAL_VELOCITY_GENERATION keyword is trying to assign a velocity to a Part (ID =1) that does not exist. Please verify the PART IDs in the model. 

Please note that Part IDs of *CONSTRAINED_NODAL_RIGID_BODYs that do not include the INERTIA option are not recognized by the code in the case of STYP = 1 or 2. Use STYP = 3 (a node set ID) when initializing the velocity of such nodal rigid bodies.

Please let us know how it goes. 

Thank you,
