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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Installation and Licensing Ansys Products can’t install the ansysEM 2024R2, error show machine configruation fail Reply To: can’t install the ansysEM 2024R2, error show machine configruation fail

Rajeshwari Jadhav
Ansys Employee

Try below steps:

Solution 1:

Go to START > ‘Edit the System Environment Variables’ > click Environment Variables.
Under the System Variables, please click NEW and create a new variable. ANSYS_EM_DONOT_PRELOAD_3DDRIVER_DLL=1 to disable the call and check if it resolves the problem.
Solution 2:
1. Update the graphics driver
2. Go to C:\Program Files\AnsysEM\v232\Win64\config, then right click on the "ConfigureThisMachine.exe" and run as administrator.
Solution 3:
1. Open Windows File Explorer and type this in the address bar %TEMP%
2. Make sure that your system can see hidden files, then look into this %TEMP% directory for a copy of ConfigureThisMachine.exe.init.log and delete this.
3. Go to C:\Program Files\AnsysEM\v232\Win64\config , then right click on the "ConfigureThisMachine.exe" and run as administrator.
Solution 4:
Rename C:\Users\Documents\Ansoft  to Ansoft.old