Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Point exception in erosion calculation Reply To: Point exception in erosion calculation


Thank you for your reply sir.

1. Yes, I realized that inflation is not the best solution and I removed it but it did not help.

I also tried to make the step smaller, for example, timestep 1 second, total calculation time 3600 substeps 100. I still get the point exception error no matter what I do.

I also tried to refine the grid to 10 million cells. Nothing helps.


2. Sir, I noticed some warnings during the calculation, which leads to the error:


3. Sir, I also tried to make the grid using FLUENT MESHING and its mesher. Now I get the negative volume error almost immediately when I start the calculation, and I also see artifacts in the form of a knocked out grid. I tried to make timesteps smaller, but it does not help.


Sir, I really hope for help.