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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Incorrect velocity streamlines and observed velocities profile Reply To: Incorrect velocity streamlines and observed velocities profile

Forum Moderator

Now look at the cell resolution at 1.5m below the blades. You're diffusing the result out too much. 

Have a look at the various examples and see what they used in the paper. Try using adaption over a cylinder starting just above the mrf, that's a bit bigger than the mrf and extends below the measuring point. Refine & run. Repeat until it stops changing. To accurately model airfoils you need to consider y+, significant levels of near wall resolution and high mesh resolution to capture the blade profile etc. In 3d that's not going to be a small model. 

As staff I'm not able to follow links and can only work with what I can see on the Forum.Â