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The Forum's had a few issues - if the other thread reappears I'll remove it. 

Looking at the above erosion is working as expected but the views don't seem to be behaving. If you stop the model and plot distortion/displacement on the wall has it got a non-zero value? Can you also check in Views (top ribbon) and see if the views are present. That looks to be triggering a graphic error rather than killing Fluent. 

I suspect the error is down to the deformation and remeshing. The erosion MDM does (or did - looks like I need to rerun my test model) just smooth the mesh to suit the new shape. With inflation that could cause problems, and given the shape is changing inflation meshing isn't necessarily a good idea anyway. 

There is no recommended erosion time step size, other than it's how long it takes to measure the lengh of a piece of string. It's very dependent on the erosion material pair: ie polystyene beads onto inconel may need a time step in the order of years but steel pellets onto chocolate may need microseconds. Given you're modelling a known real system how long is it expected to last? Then base the time scale on that. Eg if I expect an item to last a month I might run a one hour erosion time step and run in blocks of 24.