We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.

Ansys Learning Forum Forums Installation and Licensing Ansys Products Workbench contents blurry on a 4k monitor Reply To: Workbench contents blurry on a 4k monitor

Rajeshwari Jadhav
Ansys Employee

Hi Venki, 

Change the display resolution of affected system to check if that helps.

Goto Start menu> Display settings> Scale and Layout. Try to change these options and check if any of it works for workbench.

if above method doesn't work try the below options too.

Can you set below environment variable under system variable


If that doesn't work and makes the scripting view too small. Please try updating the DPI settings for the Mechanical process, as suggested here for Workbench process.

General Workbench Issues (ansys.com)