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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics Error loading Lumerical example Reply To: Error loading Lumerical example

Ansys Employee

Try to download a fresh copy of the example unto the machine with the issue. Make sure that the file is stored in a location on the local machine where you have read/write access, not an online storage e.g. onedrive or dropbox. 

Should the issue persists:

  1. Reboot the PC,
  2. Delete the Lumerical DEVICE.ini file from your user's folder on the machine with the issue. 
    >>Ansys Lumerical product preference files – Ansys Optics<< 
  3. Otherwise, do a clean installation of the latest version of Lumerical on the affected machine. 
    >>Fixing installation or licensing issues – Ansys Optics<<
    DO NOT delete the License.ini file from the machine. 

Hope this helps.Â