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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Optics How to make the imported FDTD metalens appear as rays in Zemax Reply To: How to make the imported FDTD metalens appear as rays in Zemax

Niki Papachristou
Ansys Employee

Hi Suhee,

Thank you for the additional question here. There are several reasons that you dont see the same results on ray optics compared to POP. A common reason is that the the beam parameters that you are using on ray optics compared to POP are different, I would higly recommend to go through these tutorials to familiarise yourself with the parameters imported within ray optics and POP propagation tools:

Using Physical Optics Propagation (POP), Part 1: Inspecting the beams

Modeling Laser Beam Propagation in OpticStudio

Also note that ray optics and POP are two different tools and it is expected to have descrepancies, understanding the POP algorith Assumptions will help you understand these descrepancies. These can be found in our help file document:


The Analyze Tab (sequential ui mode) » Laser and Fibers Group » About Physical Optics Propagation

The Analyze Tab (sequential ui mode) » Laser and Fibers Group » About Physical Optics Propagation » Algorithm Assumptions

I hope that was helpful,

Kind Regars,
