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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Installation and Licensing Ansys Products Negative eroding contact energy in impact testing Reply To: Negative eroding contact energy in impact testing



Sorry, I meant the RCFORC results for SURFA and SURFB were slightly different at some times when I changed the SLSFAC factor. Additionally, shortly after the seemingly positive eroded internal energy, it dips and becomes negative again.

I've also since then tried varying combinations of SLSFAC, TSSFAC, SFSA and SFSB. It seems SFSA and SFSB don't change my timestep at all, but the higher I set them, the more unstable the model becomes (ie total energy increases by >4%, negative contact energy, etc). The only times I find that there's no negative eroded internal energy is when the material behaves "softly", deflecting outwards when compression is experienced. Perhaps overstiff behaviour is present in my model? The element failures on the projectile can be seen below, in blue.

They appear in "Spots" away from the impact location, seemingly randomly. I have a feeling that the material is deleting them due to negative volume, because they're not failing normally. The wood material manual does say that when the elements perpendicular to the grain reach failure criteria, they don't fail unless they reach negative volume. Just in case, is there anything off about my material inputs for MAT 143?

I typically have IFAIL off, I just had it on in that screenshot for debugging, and it didn't eliminate the negative internal energies. I also set A3 in the negative Z axis because that's the direction my projectile is travelling, but I don't think that made a difference when I changed it either.