Ansys Learning Forum › Forums › Installation and Licensing › Ansys Products › License Activation › Reply To: License Activation
September 3, 2024 at 9:58 am
Ansys Employee
Hi Adel,
Did you try George’s suggestion?
If you click on feature in use tab under Ansys Licensing Settings, do you see any error (if yes then share screenshot of error)? if no then follow the below steps:
Please try the below steps:
Close all the Ansys applications before trying the below suggestion step by step. Can you please try adding the below timeout features in the ansyslmd.ini file –
- Go to C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\Licensing directory, copy the ansyslmd.ini file to the desktop location.
Open the ansyslmd.ini file using Notepad and add the following lines –
Once you add the lines, click Save As > ensure that the save as file type is ‘all files’.
Once the file is saved, please replace the old ansyslmd.ini file using the newly created one.
- Also set the following Environment Variable –
Go to START > ‘Edit the System Environment Variables’ > click Environment Variables.
Under the System Variables, please click NEW and create a new variable.
Variable Name – FLEXLM_TIMEOUT
Variable Value – 50000000
Save it.
- Config File Reset –
Now open a file explorer and type %appdata% in the address bar.
Locate the Ansys folder and rename it to Ansys.old.
- If not using Ansys Shared Web based license, then the issue can be caused by having shared web licensing activated. Open Ansys Licensing Settings from Ansys 2023Rx.
Then go to “Shared” under “Web Licensing” and toggle the enabled slider to off.
- If not using Ansys Shared Web-based license, then open ansyslmd.ini file and remove/comment ANSYS_LICENSING_SHARED_WEB=0 and save it.
Path: \ANSYS Inc\Shared Files\licensing