Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics CHARGE: Reproduced results not matching the research article result. Reply To: CHARGE: Reproduced results not matching the research article result.

Guilin Sun
Ansys Employee

Thank you for the detailed description. Accurately duplicating published results is very challenging, since not all the simulation information is available.

In your case, one obvious reason is the doping.  The suspecious result is, it does not change with applied voltage (first two). You will need to check what causes this result except the 3rd one. I guess it is not from meshing. Where did you do the voltage sweep? if it is from the sweep object, you will need to check if the changing voltage is applied to the contact. If it is inside the contact, and it is normally there, you need to dig it out the reason: you only need to have two applied voltage values.

Make sure the material properties are correct.