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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Preprocessing BOI label does not appear in the Fluent meshing list Reply To: BOI label does not appear in the Fluent meshing list

Ansys Employee

Hi Alex,

This is because you have named the solid bodies in the structure tree and not in the Group tree. Names given in the Structure tree are not recognized as Named Selections (or labels). You can create named selections in the SpaceClaim Groups panel and then use these groups as named selections in Ansys. 

To create a named selection:
1. Select the objects you want to include in the group. If you want to name a face, click on that face. If you want to name a 3d body, then either choose that from viewer or else you can click on the body from the structure tree.
2. Click Create NS in the Groups panel. This creates a named selection for the object. The default name is "Group1". You can double-click on it to rename it. And give a name of your choice. 
Now, if you import it to spaceclaim, this named selection will appear under labels.