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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Trouble with Axisymmetric Analysis Reply To: Trouble with Axisymmetric Analysis

Sampat Kumar
Ansys Employee

Hi Chris,
For a quick solution, you can either contact your CP or, if you have an Ansys support license, submit a case for this issue. Ansys Engineer will try to quickly resolve the issue on the created case. We Ansys engineers are not allowed to handle any external link or file here, so I can suggest here the best practices that should be followed. We try to provide the solution on the forum as much as possible. 
Now, coming to the problem:. 
You can follow the video link that Karri Deepak has suggested, which might be helpful in your case. 

1. I am assuming that you have verified that geometry is in the first quadrant of the xy plane. You can check if any geometry errors are present or not. To do this, right-click on design in the geometry tree and check if the geometry error is present or not. If you don’t find any geometry error then follow the point2. 
2. You can copy the whole geometry by using Ctr+c and pasting (ctrl+v) it into a new design tab. Save this new geometry in your system, then open a new Workbench file and change the analysis type to 2D, then insert the new saved geometry in the geometry cell in the WB. 
3. If the above doesn’t help, then there might be some lines or points in the geometry that are not in the XY plane; for that, you can use the project option under the Design tab in the spaceclaim to project the geometry on any surface. Copy that projected geometry, paste it in the design tab, and delete the rest of the part. Follow the same procedure for importing 2D geometry into the WB as discused in the above lines. 

Let me know if this help you or not

Best Regards,