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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Installation and Licensing Ansys Products Running Ansys Fluent from commands Reply To: Running Ansys Fluent from commands


Hello Rob,
first of all, thanks for your reply. 

A few questions, 
Which file i supposed to open with the comand "/file/rcd myfile", It suggest the *.cas.h5 file, the only one I get without running the solution in workbech its the file: "FFF.1-Setup-Output.cas.h5" but after running and loading the mesh and boundary conditions, i got an error message saying that the same file wasn't found. 

Then, for solving, in the "Run Calculation" I use Numer of time step, size of time step, and max number of iterations per time step. What command do u suggest to use to run the calculation and to save the file?
Thanks in advance,