Dear Devendra,
I modified the Poisson’s ratio of the involved body. Then, I checked (check geometry) the whole body, no geometry problem found. Then, I extracted the control volume selecting the inlet and the outlet of the flow and first path of the flow (in blue). Then, I chose boundary condition (i.e. temperature and mass flow) and fluid (gas) and tried to launch the solve to get a fluid simulation. Unfortunately, following several minutes of running, the result is a message labeled in red: “A meshing error has occurred. Use check geometry to identify common problems such as a small faces, overlaps, etc. Increase the solution fidelity or add local fidelity controls to capture small features if required”.
Then, in yellow: “Surface bodies will be excluded from the simulation (1 body)”, with no further explanation.
Further, on the check geometry panel (lower right end side): PartBody/Hole.1 in yellow: (1) Geometry self-intersects
PartBody/CloseSurface.1 in yellow: (1) Geometry self-intersects
in blue (1)Edge is inexact and not lying on face
Then, Volume:
in red: (17) Face intersects another face
in yellow: (2) Geometry self-intersects..
Unfortunately, and different from the Ansys Courses I watched, the Check Geometry panel had the SOLVE soft button disabled, thus I had no chances to realize which are the surfaces and volumes involved. The images I’ve taken are too large to be shared. I would really appreciate your further support as the intake is really driving me crazy (I’m still working on it since 3 months and no results)…
I've another message, stating DVI variation (3mm). Could you explain it?
Thank you,