Ansys Employee


  1. Is the pipe open-ended on both sides, or closed at one end and which end?
  2. If detonation is expected, I suggest you use the density-based solver (DBNS). The pressure-based solver (PBNS) should also work if the Mach numebr does not go very high.
  3. I suggest you use the "Finite-Rate/No TCI" option.
  4. Are you using a 1-step reaction scheme or multiple reaction scheme. For 1-step reaction, you need to patch a temperature and the composition that correspond to the burnt state of the mixture.
  5. The mesh needs to be sufficient fine around the flame front (and also shock wave). You can use automatic mesh refinement/coarsening
  6. The time step size also needs to be much smaller because everything goes very fast. I think 0.005 s is too large. It needs to be around 1E-5 s, or even smaller.