Ansys Employee

@Vighnesh Natarajan, 

I am sorry to hear that you are having issues running Lumerical simulations on your cluster. To debug/troubleshoot the issue: 

  • What is the operating system and version running on the cluster? 
  • Which Lumerical product/solver are you running? FDTD, MODE, CHARGE, HEAT, or INTERCONNECT?  
  • How are you running the simulation job? Are you using a job scheduler submission script and running this from the Terminal on the cluster head/login node? 
  • What is the job scheduler on your cluster - if you are using one? 
  • Please paste the execution line on the submission script or the command you run on the cluster, if you are not submitting to a job scheduler.
    (e.g. running FDTD with bundled MPICH2)
/install_path/lumerical/v222/mpich2/nemesis/bin/mpiexec -n 32 /install_path/lumerical/v222/bin/fdtd-engine-mpich2nem -t 1 /path_to/simulationfile.fsp