Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Negative Cell Volume detected in Dynamic Mesh. Reply To: Negative Cell Volume detected in Dynamic Mesh.

Davide Parlato


I am using Unified Remeshing since I have read on Fluent User’s Guide [46.1 – Supported Capabilities and Limitations] that it is recommendend with such cases, but I have not changed the advanced settings (maximum cell skewness=0.8 and maximum face skewness=0.7). 
Furthermore I have found this on Fluent User’s Guide: 
Remeshing and smoothing should be enabled locally for all Dynamic Mesh Zones that are of type Deforming, this allows remeshing and smoothing to be applied to faces adjacent to the System Coupling Region. In addition, both Region Face and Local Cell should be selected for remeshing methods. It is important to note that remeshing will not occur if Local Cell is not selected”. [46.6.2 – Recommendations for Dynamic Mesh Settings for Fluent-Mechanical FSI]

However I don’t understand why it is talking about local cell selection since it regards only the settings of Methods-Based Remeshing.