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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Negative Cell Volume detected in Dynamic Mesh. Reply To: Negative Cell Volume detected in Dynamic Mesh.

Davide Parlato


I will definitely give it a try. I have already introduced a coefficient-based solution stabilization for my dynamic mesh zone but actually you have brought up a doubt that I have. The only dynamic mesh zone that I have defined is the region that I have called “fsi” (which stand for fluid structure interface) (i.e the shelf) and I have set it as a “system coupling region“. Since that is the only region with dynamic mesh, is Fluent smoothing and remeshing only that zone? If yes, does that mean that when the shelf moves a lot (like in the pics), the cells of the plane (which is representative of the inner cells of the tank) close to the shelf are deformed without the possibility to smooth/remesh?