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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Systems Medini error Reply To: Medini error

Erik Zeller

Hello Users, the following instructions I wrote for my team. I've learnt from the ANSYS support team, thankx :)

Sometimes Medini crashes while opening throwing an error "Resource XYZ already exists".To solve the problem do the following.

-Create a new empty text file named like "dummy.mprx" (change ending from *.txt to *.mprx !!)

-Double click the file. Medini will open.

-Select a template like "Automotive" if requested. Medini will create a new project.

-Medini will show as a result the dummy project plus the already existing resource.

-Delete the project that is already existing from the workspace.

-Close Medini and run the original project.

-You can delete the dummy project as well.