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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical How do I get deformed geometry Reply To: How do I get deformed geometry


There are two approaches to get the deformed geometry out of a Static Structural solution into a CAD program: a two step process and a fifteen step process. Thanks to SimuTech group for teaching me this method.


In Mechanical: Insert a total displacement for a selected body into the solution, then right click on it and export an stl file.  

In CAD:  import the stl file. Some CAD systems don't handle imported stl files very well. New versions are getting better at that. See the next approach.


TO CREATE A SOLID BODY (more useful in CAD programs)

Here are the steps to export a Parasolid file:

In Mechanical:


  1. Create a Named Selection named "top" that contains the part you want to export.

  2. Analysis Settings set to Save APDL db

  3. Drop a Mechanical APDL component onto the Static Structural Solution 

  4. Right click on Analysis row of Mechanical APDL system on project page and select "Add Input File" 

  5. Select attached input file upgeom.inp (this is setup to select a single part in your model).

  6. Drop an FE Modeler component onto the Mechanical APDL Analysis

  7. Update the Static structural solution, Mechanical APDL Analysis, and FE modeler. 
    If the Static structural solution was done before step 1 above, clear generated data first.

Open FE Modeler

8. Right click on "Geometry Synthesis" and select "Insert>>Initial Geometry"

9. Right click on "Initial Geometry" and select "convert to parasolid"

10. Drop a DesignModeler (Geometry) Component onto FE modeler Model cell

11. Update FE modeler and DM

Start DM (double click on Geometry field)

  1. Add a  Body Operation, "Type" set to Sew, setting the "Create Solids?" to Yes


If the result is not a single solid, change "Tolerance" to User Defined.


13. In DM open Tools>>Options then go to:

DesignModeler>>Geometry>>Export Options>>Parasolid Export Version and select 24.0 for NX8


14. Export Parasolid file. 


15. In CAD system import Parasolid file.