February 28, 2025 at 5:24 pm
SubscriberHello, I would like to insert an "ANSYS Commands" script under the "Solution" tree in Mechanical that finds the stress at a specified node, and then inserts that value into a parameter that I can use to minimize the radius of a fillet (another parameter) to keep the stress under a certain value. I have searched all over, but haven't been able to find the answer. I know I have to use something like:
*GET, vm_max, NODE, 151, S, EQV
But I get a message in Solution Information that says "Requested data is not stored for noded 151". I definitely have Von Mises stress specified as an output for plotting.
Also, I assume I have to create an output parameter first, but in the Parameters block in Workbench, the field "new output parameter" is greyed out.
Thank you!
March 4, 2025 at 3:30 pm
Ansys EmployeeHave you issued a SET command to store some results?  If you requested stress results, the *get command looks correct. To make the value an output parameter use a name starting with my_, like *GET, my_vm_max, NODE, 151, S, EQV. Then you will see the parameter name in the commands object details and you can make it a parameter.
March 4, 2025 at 3:46 pm
SubscriberNo, I didn't realize I had to use a set command (probably why I didn't get the value stored in a parameter). However, I was able to do what I wanted without using a script by creating user-defined result and parameterizig the average value (same as max and min). Thank you very much for your reply!
March 4, 2025 at 6:47 pm
Ansys EmployeeSounds good!
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